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Written by admin Updated Nov 26, 2022

What is Matcha? Things to Know

Matcha is famous Chinese Green Tea powder produced from dried tea leaves. It has a more vibrant color and vegetal taste because of high chlorophyll levels. In Chinese history, it has been used in traditional ceremonies for centuries. But in the last few years, it has become a famous tea to drink around the US because of its excellent health benefits. To know more about Matcha tea, stay tuned.

What is Matcha

How is Matcha different from traditional green tea?

Matcha tea powder is extracted from the true tea plant “ Camellia Sinesis,” but the way it is processed is entirely different. 

Shade grew- Matcha is extracted from the leaves that are grown under the shade. Bushes are grown under filtered light in a very controlled environment. It reduces photosynthesis and protects chlorophyll from use. Leaves are dark green because of the rich amount of chlorophyll.

Seasonal Leaves picked- Only newly grown spring buds hand-picked leaves are used for matcha tea production. 

Steamed Leaves- Before crushing into powder, leaves are steamed in a controlled environment to give them a unique and vegetal taste.

Stone grounded leaves- Matcha leaves are dried and separated from veins and stems. The pure leaves are then grounded in stone mills.

What does Matcha tea taste like?

Matcha tea is mostly compared to red wine and dark chocolate, but it is different. It has a complex flavor with natural sweet nuttiness, mellow vegetal, grassy notes, and a touch of bitterness with a nice savory ending.

Is Matcha tea better than Coffee?

Doubtless, matcha and caffee have excellent health-promoting properties if consumed moderately. Both have antioxidants and caffeine to improve cognitive functions and energy levels. But Matcha has six times less caffeine than coffee. Matcha is the tea to choose if you want health-improving properties but with less acidity and caffeine.

What are the Health Benefits of Matcha tea for our bodies?

Matcha tea has caffeine and antioxidant properties that offer various health benefits. Here I have listed a few of the major health benefits of taking Matcha tea.

  • •Antioxidants in Matcha help our body to stabilize the free radicals. It protects us from cell damage and chronic diseases.
  • •Matcha may help to protect liver diseases. Its antioxidants improve liver health.
  • •Caffeine is available in matcha that stimulates our cognitive functions. Ultimately, it improves memory and overall brain health.
  • •Because its antioxidant properties match is also found to be helpful against cancer. It helps to recover the cells and prevent them cell from being damaged.
  • •Some studies have also proven that matcha tea is also helpful in reducing or recovering from heart diseases.
  • •Rich green tea leaves also help to improve metabolism and burn fats, reducing weight.


Matcha is an expensive form of green tea that originated in the China. It is extracted from high chlorophyll-containing true tea leaves. Leaves are extracted and processed in a different and controlled environment. It improves not only its beneficial health properties but also its smell and taste.