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Written by admin Updated Nov 29, 2022

Qatar may have banned beer, but you can choose these tea-Best tea for the World Cup 2022

In the eyes of many fans, this World Cup 2022 is the real "Twilight of the Gods": Messi is 35 years old, Ronaldo is 37 years old, Pepe is 39 years old... Even the youngest Neymar said that this may be his last World Cup.

Best tea for the World Cup 2022

Every World Cup, there are always many fans who will prepare beer to stay up late to watch the game, but as we all know, staying up late is not good for detoxification of the liver and is harmful to health. If you stay up late at the same time drinking and eating meat, it will be "worse". Drinking tea may be the best companion.

Drinking tea can't completely counteract the consumption of staying up late, but its refreshing and detoxifying effects are indeed beneficial when watching football. 

As a muslim country, in Qatar never drink-no matter liquor, red wine or beer. So tea is the first choice for you if you are now there! 

But for other funs, affected by jet lag, Maybe you have to stay up late to watch the game.Here Tips on drinking tea to refresh your mind during the World Cup:

Refreshing by Green tea


When you are tired, drink a cup of hot green tea, and suddenly feel more energetic, clear-headed, and relieve drowsiness. a cup of  green tea can refresh you, fight fatigue, and promote digestion. Because  green tea is cool and refreshing, it has the effects of  clearing heat, detoxify and refreshing.For fans who are older, in poor health, and usually busy at work, you can choose ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, and schisandra to boil water or make with green tea, and drink it during normal times and watching games.

Refreshing by green tea

Sweet and warm black tea

For Winter-the black tea is a good choice.  When the football game showed at night,  it's time for the gastrointestinal and digestive system to rest. At this time, black tea is the best choice! you can use relatively mild citrus tea and cooked tea, paired with honey and lemon black tea. The cooked tea can warm the stomach and detoxify; while drinking lemon black tea and honey is a great nourishment for staying up late.

sweet and warm black tea

Puer tea can help sleep

Due to jet lag, you may have to stay up late to watch the game. At deep night the body already needs a deep rest. If you are watching the game at this time, you can drink a small cup of raw tea at the beginning to refresh yourself, and near the end, drink a small cup of Pu'er tea to soothe your tense nerves and help you sleep.
The content of caffeine in cooked Pu'er tea is low, and the theanine in it has a good effect of calming the nerves, and it also has a good maintenance effect on the kidneys and liver.

 Puer tea can help sleep

The big football event is coming, and your World Cup should not be left out of teacups: one "cup" will make your blood boil, one "cup" will replenish your energy and shout freely. "two cups" arrive,  you will be healthy and exciting!